
The Mayo Clinic defines Whiplash as a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. It is defined by how you get the injury, but not what the injury actually is. Whiplash is neck sprain (injury to a neck ligament) or neck strain (injury to a muscle or tendon) sustained in the manner described above.

I know first-hand how debilitating this injury can be. It can be incredibly painful and make doing absolutely anything, including driving, difficult, painful, and dangerous. While this injury makes doing nearly anything (or nothing) difficult, there are a few things you can do to help. Of course, always consult with your doctor and consider the options for treatment that they give you. Do what you can to help yourself (see blog “What to do after an accident”) to aid in your own recovery process. Perhaps most importantly, be patient with yourself. Often during debilitating injuries such as this, our deepest fears about ourselves rise to the surface. Maybe we only feel valuable when we contribute. Maybe we feel worthless or uncared for. Maybe the people around us expect us to perform like normal, ignoring our needs. Getting injured can bring up powerful emotions and issues. We can see what arises through the healing process and allow ourselves the grace, compassion, and maybe assertiveness it takes to heal not only our bodies, but a deeper part of ourselves.

My own whiplash is what inspired me to transform my massage practice into a mobile massage practice, and through it, I realized valuable life lessons. While those lessons were valuable, I probably shouldn’t have been on the road while I was healing. If you want a practitioner experienced in auto injuries, feel free to call me and we can chat about whether I am a good fit for you. In the meantime, I wish you well on your healing journey!


What to do after an accident


Back pain