My approach
Each and every person who I treat has specific needs, and each person is in a different stage of recovery. My priority is to meet you where you are and to work with you and not on you. I will show you the self-care you can do safely so that you are empowered with skills to speed your healing. Together, we will work through your injury, sharing observations, so that as a team, we can find the path to restoration.
For some, the accident is purely physical. For others, sessions may be used to process the stress from the accident or just from daily life. And in each session, you may feel different as well. Perhaps some days you are chatty, and other times you just need the time to connect to another part of yourself. It is my desire to meet you where you are so that you feel seen, heard, and respected. I truly care about the folks I get to work with. It is an honor to be a part of your recovery journey.